We can´t be sure that words will save, but we know full well that silence kills! Stories of a Doctor working in places, where humanitarian issues make "our problems" in life a bit smaller.... It would be easier to close my eyes, but I decided to open them and share with the world what I have lived.
- Todas as Missões
- Moçambique - Namacha (2009)
- RDCongo - Masisi (2009)
- Paquistão - Timergara (2011)
- Afeganistão - Lashkar Gah (2012)
- Síria - Idlib (2013)
- Rep. Cent. Africana - Bangui (2016)
- Iraque - Mosul (2017)
- Rep Cent. Africana - Bangui (2017)
- RDCongo - Goma (2018)
- Burundi - Bujumbura (2018/9)
- Iémen - Mokha (2019)
- Palestina - Gaza (2019)
- Sudão do Sul (2019)